The Code for Even-Handed

                            //get values from app page
                            //start OR controller function
                            function getValues() {
                                //get values from app page
                                let startValue = document.getElementById("startValue").value;
                                let endValue = document.getElementById("endValue").value;

                                //Validating our inputs
                                //parsing to Integers
                                startValue = parseInt(startValue);
                                endValue = parseInt(endValue);

                                //if inputs are numbers
                                if(Number.isInteger(startValue) && Number.isInteger(endValue)) {
                                    //call generateNumbers function
                                    let numbers = generateNumbers(startValue, endValue);
                                    //call displayNumbers function
                                //if inputs are not numbers
                                else {
                                    alert("You must enter integers for Even-Handed to work!");

                            //generate numbers from startValue to endValue
                            //logic function(s)
                            function generateNumbers(start, end) {
                                //create empty array
                                let numbers = [];
                                //generating numbers with for loop using start and end values
                                for(let index = start; index <= end; index++) {
                                    //adding current number to array
                                return numbers;

                            //display numbers and make even numbers bold
                            //display OR view functions
                            function displayNumbers(numbers) {

                                let templateRows = "";

                                for (let index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) {
                                    let className = "even";
                                    let number = numbers[index];

                                    if(number % 2 == 0) {
                                        className = "even";
                                    else {
                                        className = "odd";
                                    //Prism.js has trouble displaying template literals, see source code
                                    templateRows += `${number}`;
                                document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = templateRows;

The Code is structured in three functions.


The getValues function gets user input from the app page. The function utilizes the getElementById to pull values from the page. It then passes those values to the generateNumbers function. The function generateNumbers then returns an array of values and passes that array to the displayNumbers function.


The generateNumbers function takes in two parameters (startValue and endValue). We create a variable numbers that holds an array. We then use a for loop to generate all the numbers between startValue and endValue.


The function displayNumbers takes in the parameter numbers (the variable is an array that holds the values between startValue and endValue). We create the variable className that holds the name of the CSS class we will use to bold the numbers. The variable templateRows is then created to hold the HTML we want to write to the app page.

A for loop checks all the numbers to check if they are odd or even. The modulus operator (%) is used to check if a number is divisible by two, making it even, or else it is deemed odd. The correct className is then injected into the html row for display. Each iteration of the loop adds to the templateRows variable. When the loop is done, the resulting HTML rows are then written to our app page for display!